Splash-and-Bash at the Burnout B&B

Well I do know how to steal the show and break up the party, it seems!  Other than that, it was a relaxing and successful B&B.

I slept over to help set up on Sunday morning.  We had scheduled it for a later time of day, because it was so f—ing hot, like 100°.   Then I decided to adjourn to the pool, which despite it having been refilled, was already like a bathtub again!  I actually spent the whole afternoon into evening in the pool, swimming and laid back.  Lots of friends and kids joined me or played badminton or just relaxed.  Even Avdi got to chill and drink beer!  I had a few myself, throughout the day.

Finally I returned to dry land and joined the party.  Wouldn’t you know it, I tripped over the coolers and fell flat on my chest!  I injured my sternum and bruised other parts, and was in semi-shock.  I should have stayed in the pool!  Everybody stopped what they were doing and started doing triage and poking and prodding.  Fortunately many of the friends had medical or healing backgrounds, and did all the things.  I kept trying to laugh and joke but it hurt!  Avdi panicked and wanted to schlep me to the ER then and there, but we talked him out of it.  My new friend Akasha was keeping an eagle eye on me, literally!  In fact everyone was so concerned and solicitous, it was almost embarrassing.  I couldn’t even help clean up.  Anyway, that was the exciting climax to our otherwise very fine gathering.

The best part of our gatherings (besides the pool) is that increasingly they’re composed of a diverse mix of various spectrums and cultures and ages.  By word of mouth, people come over to find an inclusive welcoming haven to meet and feel at home.  To me they’re all my extended family now, and I think many of them feel the same.  People have the greatest conversations about life, the universe, and everything.  If they’re stressed out by reality, they find a place to unwind and commiserate.  And bonus–Avdi gets grownups to talk to, and I get free beer by the pool!  And sometimes I provide free entertainment!

So today Avdi took me to an urgent care, where I got x-rayed and reassured it was not a fracture, just an injury, nothing to be done but relax and heal.  Yay!  Once again I cheat fate somehow, and learn another painful lesson.  Coolers are for beer, not parkour.




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