Firstly, (as my Gson S would say), thanks to Avdi for the undeserved but appreciated shoutout in SIGAVDI #100 (back atya) which predictably brought me a momentary uptick in curious visitors and viewers before they too fell asleep from boredom. To them I say, welcome back anytime, if only to get away from code for a moment.
Also please note that I am the original cringey garden metaphorist in the family, whether Avdi knows it or not. All of life can be summed up in some botanical metaphor or other! It’s genetic. End of unsolicited plug. And now back to regular Blahg programming.
I love seeing these baby black swallowtail butterfly caterpillars on the dill. One measure of garden success is all the species of butterflies and pollinators doing their thing.
E made these great doughnuts from scratch! They love a challenge.
Every so often one of the kids will pick up on Avdi’s ongoing stress and low spirits, and just stand close to him or give him a hug. It shows they’re learning they’re not the center of the universe, and others work hard to make their lives secure and cared for.
It actually rained and didn’t flood the yard, it was so dry, but did my watering for me, so that was a good break. The garden is relieved. And the brutal heatwave is temporarily tempered. I was able to resume walking round trip. Injury be damned!