Homegrown with Pride

The highlight of our erev Shabbat meal was a huge all-homegrown caesar salad with croutons made from older challah.  There were too many varieties of lettuce and greens to name.  I made a vinaigrette-style caesar dressing to go with it.  Roasted [potato, sweet potato, and carrot] fries on the side.  Ironically, the kid who is the most autistic (particular) about food, S, persuaded me to make a caesar salad, and he asked for seconds.  The other kids, all “ewww vegetables”, were pretty enthused as well.  My evil plan at work.

I’m hoping to join the Avdi’s for one of STL’s big Pride events tomorrow (all weekend event).  It’s the corporate (Boeing) sponsored Pride, so we’ll forgo marching in the parade itself with the Jewish contingent, so as not to find ourselves in an ethically compromised/difficult  position if pro/anti sides get antagonistic.  I’m just looking forward to going to a big STL Pride event (one of several during the year).

This is a good year for bee balm (Monarda), as you’ll see from the photos.  Lots of bee action.



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