Well, at least it didn’t rain on our Parade! Now it’s t-storming and threatening to rain on Avdi’s Birthday B&B scheduled for tomorrow the 4th of July (and their parade). Great timing, MO! It’s hard to play badminton in a flooded swamp. We may or may not be able to do a rain date on Friday. We may have to just rein it in…side (SWIDT), not ideal.
Also, A and the kids are about to drive to Chicago to hand them over to their Mom for the rest of the summer in Michigan. Then Avdi will get a much-needed break, part of it away from home. I guess I’ll just be house-sitting and doing the usual. The garden never takes a vacation. I can’t even remember the last time I got to. But it’s all good.
One of E’s garden plots (the one with all the huge sunflowers) has been blooming.