Solitary Shabbat Survived

I did my rounds dutifully, telling myself I wouldn’t do any “projects” today, then of course found a few more small ones to do.  I even peered into the dreaded Catacombs of Cthulhu, just to take a look.  Eldritch!  Back to that some other time.  T-storms were threatening, anyway, an excuse to cut things short.  I got a lot done this week, and survived solitary.  If it helped Avdi, then my work is done.

The biggest garden news is some tiny green tomato sightings!  Finally.  Oddly, I can’t seem to grow green zucchini, one of the easiest veggies to grow.   Some the yellow ones are appearing, though.  A few melons are present, too.  If the sweet potatoes turn out as profuse as their thick row of leaves, then that will be a first for me.  And the greens are like jungle plants.




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