Spud Spaders

When I finally got myself to Avdi’s today it was quiet, with all four kids at school.  I think I was having one of my CLL “off” days, where I’m fatigued and lightheaded.  Fortunately, it was gorgeous out, so I got some gardening in.  I cleared the whole potato area, then started digging.  Lots of white and red potatoes!  I left most of it for later, as Y had expressed interest in helping dig.

The kids came home in varying degrees of non-amusement, but mostly their first day went well.  We all hung out talking about it and distracting Avdi, who was trying to work.  Y had fun digging potatoes using the spading fork with bare feet.  E jumped in the pool and then of course started baking some more.

Lately I’ve been feeling much more at home and relaxed over there, probably since the kids and I have gotten to know and trust each other more.  I like listening to them and learning the lingo.


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