Apocalyptic Pastimes

On Labor Day, I agreed to watch S while everyone else went to the MOBOT Japanese Festival, but typically, at the last minute, S decided to go, and Y decided to stay home!  So Y and I got to spend some good time together talking and hanging out.  They often express serious concern about how humans are destroying the environment, and suggest we just go all the way and destroy ourselves so the earth has a chance to recover.  I sense this is one of many existential issues a lot of young kids are preoccupied with now.  I can’t say I disagree.  It’s just sad we’ve passed this apocalyptic vision down to them.

In the garden, I’ve now cultivated and reseeded every available space between ongoing crops, so the garden will hopefully continue to produce cool-weather veggies through fall, whenever that is.  The weather has been a little more conducive lately.  The tiny cantaloupe is the one that made it.  Watermelons did slightly better, but not by much.  Squashes and pumpkins simply disappeared.  Rumors about my “green thumb” have been greatly exaggerated.

It seems the kids have a little crew now that regularly plays in the house and yard, or rides bikes together.  A new girl joined the group, so it’s four.  Avdi and I sat drinking Palomas (by me) as he worked, enjoying the sound of kids happily trampolining and playing outside.  Avdi’s has become a sort of welcoming safe house for kids and grownups alike.  Not exactly the infanticidal “childless elite” of JD Vance!





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