If you politely follow this boring old grandma Blahg, thank you. But the real story here is the stoic perseverance of my son, doing the work of ten people every day just to survive. He’s not doing it to win Dad of the Decade awards, he does it to stay above water (sometimes literally). It’s easy for others who’ve never been there to tell him to self-care, take breaks, reduce his work load, get some sleep, or throw money at the problem. If you can lend him ten capable people, that might be useful but unlikely. They’re busy with their own lives.
I’m not very capable or energetic, but I do what I can behind the scenes. I’m pretty old-school and analog, also mechanically-challenged, being from my generation and upbringing, but I can clean up a house or somewhat successfully grow food, although lately I’m not so sure about that! Neurodivergence can also be challenging, but sometimes just being there consistently and learning the ropes seems to make a difference. I hope I’m helping, not adding to the load.
My son is an example of someone who had a rough childhood, had to grow up early and make a living, and like many people, at a young age made some intentional life choices that collapsed out from under him, leaving him alone with many kids to support and raise. But he never dropped the ball and gave up, just kept doing the right thing, with or without help, and he’ll continue to work his ass off as long as it takes. It doesn’t help to know many people are in the same boat, it just adds to his frustration. But it also makes him empathetic and supportive of others in distress, because he gets it.
I guess this is just a shoutout to my example of an unsung hero, which is my son. A “singout”? Or a singling out of someone who struggles every day to do the impossible, often unnoticed. But I do notice and respect him tremendously. He’s helped me more than I help him, for which I’m indebted. I hope my inadequate gestures to at least improve his surroundings and watch kids so he can go out help a little. So when you politely glance at my latest boring garden or grandkid news, this is really about my son, Avdi.
On that note, yesterday I “created” a new garden space for K, to be continued, and almost completed the “future home of strawberries” plot. The fall veg garden is coming along, with seedlings appearing. Flowers continue to bloom and produce seed pods. I’m methodically working my way around the landscape, making it more conducive and inviting.