Ducks, Dogs, Same Difference

I don’t need to state the obvious about the Idiot at the debate last night, yet I will.  If his blind devotees can’t or won’t recognize obvious paranoid delusion and dementia when they see it, then a debate won’t reach them.  They prefer to be bludgeoned by a confused terrorist dictator to actual intelligent leadership that serves them.  Let’s hope there are enough of us to outvote the lunacy they deserve (or “insane asylum” they should retire to).

In tamer news, I continued my landscape tweaks yesterday.  It doesn’t look like much yet, but it will be an improvement.  I’m saving the major trimmings for the sukkah.  Meanwhile, Y has been adding some festive lawn ornaments of their own!  Like minds.  Also Avdi has cleaned up the pool, since there’s still lots of summer in September.   Does this mean another B&B is imminent?  Stay tuned…



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