Unnatural Selection

Saturday I spent a quiet overnight at A’s so he could get away–at one point, I think I was the only one still awake, but eventually I succumbed.  Sunday was just the usual getting stuff done and minding the fort.  Eventually I got around to watering the garden,  and prepared to walk home, so you can guess what happened next with no warning–a thunderstorm!  It dumped a lot of water in a short time, then was gone, and so was I.

This one adorable chipmunk is so used to me, it sits right near me, then sneaks around behind me to get to the rest of its home in the porch gardens.  I didn’t mean to cut off its head in the photo, but it was going too fast.  Stupid Martha Stewart says chipmunks are destructive rodents to be eliminated from your manicured garden, as opposed to birds and butterflies, which is a total lie–they’re just as much a part of the beneficial natural chain, and don’t harm or damage anything.  On the other hand, some humans could use a little natural selection.

(In separate but related news, some people need to work on their aiming precision. How hard could it be?  Get it right, people. Don’t quote me.)


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