Medieval Days

We felt some of the outlying effects of Helene even up here in MO, though nothing like the devastation the south experienced.  It rained steadily for a day or so, with high winds at times, but not enough to stop me from walking over to Avdi’s, where the yard was pretty soggy but not flooded.  It finally feels more fall-like instead of a sauna.  The garden is thriving.

Avdi and I collaborated on the erev meal, which turned out well.  He and the kids actually went to the football game in the rain and enjoyed it.  He’s turning into a suburban football dad!  I love rain, but not that much.

Today a carload of them and friends will be going to the RenFaire.  I considered going, if there were room.  This time of year always brings renfaire nostalgia back, although dampened by being so old.  In medieval times (which I suspect we’ve returned to,  if we ever left), people didn’t even live to be my age, or else they were an ugly old crone.  It’s a young person’s scene.  Yet I still get that mystical feeling in the cool, rainy autumn air of mysteries just beyond my senses.  I know, sounds like white person fantasy.  And now back to reality.




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