Arboratrix, or, Tree Tricks

While I was planting tiny trees, Y was demonstrating towering tree-climbing 101.  I think we share a love of trees and the outdoors.  We agreed in this perfect early fall weather that goes on and on, one can’t not be outside.  They like to help me, or just enjoy each restored space with me, where we sit and discuss trees and plants they’d like to have where.

I’ve been working my way around the yard, tackling challenging tangles and transforming them (eventually) into more viable, inviting spaces for both wildlife and humans.  I’m being a little ruthless now, in order to find the secret gardens under the jungle of invasives.  Whenever I find a native tree or perennial lost in the mess, I rescue it for future relocation.

The critters and birds were going nuts (heheh) all around me, gobbling up the takings.  My little chippy friend was happily eating cherry tomatoes for a while, right near where I was sitting taking a break.  I talk to him/her and they just look at me like, “you tawkin’ to Me??  I’m busy eating your produce!”

I got a lot more done clearing areas all around the yard, and transplanting as appropriate.  I’m hoping all the tiny pollinators are still too busy to be starting their dormancy period inside stems and brush.  Apologies, if I rehomed anyone!  It will be better next year, I promise.


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