Y’s Overstory

And lo, the very next morning the critters had devoured every last Indian corn we had so thoughtfully hung for them in the Sukkah, as it should be!  The transience, quite in keeping with the holiday theme.  But we made up for it with more halloween décor.

I’ve never seen a kid as at home in a tall tree as Y.  They even wove themself a sturdy rope nest up there, with a towel to lie in.  At first they were a little nervous climbing, but now they’re like a squirrel.  Or a fox would be more accurate.  It’s their Overstory.  I envy them.

They’re also learning to ride horses, as I once did.  Carrying on the tradition.

Avdi and I collaborated on the erev meal, which was fajitas with all the fixings, and some fresh assorted greens from the garden.  My challot looked like they were trying to be Italian.  Y kept volunteering to help me!  As usual, the kids were headed out every which way, to sports and friends, with exhausted Avdi shuttling.  At least they’re becoming much more socially engaged than when they first arrived.

Some time later, Avdi drove me to borrow J’s car while she’s away, so I get to play at driving again for a day or two.  Now if I could only see better!

Tomorrow, that is, later today (I’m writing this at “the long dark teatime of the soul”), will be our (possibly last of the season) Sukkah B&B. This is Avdi’s and my favorite holiday, for obvious reasons.  It’s so earthy!  Even Y, usually Jewish-resistant, seems to be getting into the spirit of things.  We look forward to sharing the festivities with old and new friends.


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