Tropics, Desert, and Tech Toys, in One Day

I got a bonus outing with Avdi, since he was working from the Botanical Gardens yesterday.  It was a perfect fall day, barely requiring an outer layer.  I explored the Climatron (tropical rain forest) at a leisurely pace, the new Shoenberg arid house (cacti and succulents), got coffees for us in the Chinese garden, and then we had lunch in the café.  I felt like I was playing hooky.

Then we got home in time to meet or get the kids as usual.  Avdi and I made spaghetti and meatballs with my “secret” mama mia sauce, and then we all went to Micro Center, an amazing computer/etc. superstore, for a new printer and various tech components.  For me it was a nice reprieve from wrangling with Apple over a “routine” account change which they had to make complicated, as usual.  Now of course I’m locked out pending investigation!


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