Change of Pace

With the kids away in MI, the usual routine doesn’t apply.  For one thing, we’re catching up on sleep!  The house only requires one clean-up, then I’m done.  The garden is mostly frozen.  It snowed in MI, so I know the kids are happy.

For a change of pace, per Jess’s request, I baked challah rolls to contribute to our TG dinner at her house.  Avdi made one of his famous British bread puddings with bourbon sauce.  It was a warm and friendly gathering of her family and us.  Even shy Pixie the cat joined us, and not for the food.  Eric’s smoked turkey was the best any of us had ever had.  Then everyone (not me) as usual retired to gaming all evening.  I just watched cluelessly.  At one point there were four people on four screens playing three different games at once.  Just a normal evening.

So today is erev Shabbat, but again, not the usual deal, with the kids gone.  I guess I’m on staycation.  I hardly know what to do with myself!  No cleaning up after everyone.  No waiting for kids to come home from school.  Whatever will I do!  I know what Avdi will do–sleep in and get work done!

Note my new Converse hi-tops!  I finally had an occasion to wear them.


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