I’m glad I took Jess up on the invitation to their family christmas day dinner and hangout. Their kids were home. We combined it with the first Chanukah light in the evening, lit by Avdi. Eric actually made superb thick steaks for everyone! The decadence! The drinks were amazing, too, maybe too much so!
And, I got to peruse the Attic of the Mysteries and came out with lots of little treasures for the (G)kids. I got my kitty fix–Odin was happily lazing in comfort, and Pixie even condescended to approach (with snack bribes).
We all sat around the table having an intelligent conversation about political fears. Then Jess and Avdi even sucked me into a game of Scrabble, which I lost big time, with such formidable opponents.
The best aspect of the evening was just being with extended family in a warm, casual atmosphere, no pressure or expectations. It was good to see Avdi again, in his element, with no kid-stress for the time being.