Sending a Message

It figures that I just enrolled in a UHC plan for next year, which turns out to be the healthcare monopoly with the most power to deny and kill patients of them all.  I have a bad feeling there will be a lot more desperate people with no recourse to justice attempting to assassinate megalomaniacs in the coming four years.  That’s the only kind of “justice” that seems to send a message in desperate times.

I had to tell my dentist I literally can’t afford the necessary perio treatment I was scheduled for and cancelled.  My dental coverage for the year was used up long ago.  Fortunately I got the worst of my comprehensive work over with, so hopefully next year, if they don’t deny my legit claims, I’ll be able to cover the less extreme procedures that are way overdue, plus finally get a vision exam, also long-delayed.  I can barely see anymore.  Hope it’s not too late.

I try not to whine too often, but sometimes it escapes through a crack.  Maybe it’s because I’m under the weather again.  Let me change the subject.  I’m excited about my new baby elephant ear emerging indoors to keep the bird of paradise and other tropicals company.  Affordable mental healthcare!



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