If it has to be in the 20s and teens, it might as well go ahead and snow respectably, which it’s done for a couple of days now. The kids were back to school (reluctantly), and I was glad to be back to my normal work routine, cleaning up the house, and finding plenty to do all day and evening. I cooked dinner while various errands were run. Avdi and E even went night sledding on “Suicide Hill”. Avdi, Jess, and I agreed the time off was good for all of us.
I guess the garden is finally winding down, except for some of the hardier fall greens and herbs. Of course I’m already planning the garden and landscape for next spring in my head. I like to imagine the native seeds I got in the ground just in the nick of time stratifying naturally all winter. Meanwhile I’m always coming up with plants to propagate down in the “lab”. I think my blood is part chlorophyll.