Under a Snowdrift

Day 4: Still snowed/iced in, frigid out.  It sounds like the roads are still being dealt with and not much traffic in or out.  Schools are still closed.  The kids and Avdi did indeed bundle up for the arctic and go sledding.  Fortunately so far no power outages here, though I can’t speak for others.  I haven’t seen a human in days!

Which is fine, though I’m starting to fall into surreal dream territory more of the time, as I do in isolation.  My unconscious mind is clearly continuing the wayback trip into uncomfortable, unresolved personal history and trying to find some resolution, if not closure.  We’re not talking nostalgia here, more like cringe.  So many twisted, misguided paths I could have taken!  Who was I?!  It’s a relief to wake up alone in my own apartment.  But hard to detach from the haunting of my ghosts.

I suppose one of these days I’ll have to dig myself out and go see people again.  I’m running out of things to reorganize or photograph–and booze!

Photo courtesy of Avdi.



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