Trying to line up sources of free food (delivery, or free transportation to/from food pantries) is more complicated than you’d think.
I must have bad luck. I have the wrong kind of cancer (!), or services stopped delivering for reasons, or I don’t qualify for Medicaid/SNAP/gov. services because of a stupid technicality, or whatever the case may be. No doubt my big SSA raise of a few more dollars will further disqualify me for help!
So take my advice and don’t get old and poor in Red America, especially for the next four years. But I won’t let that deter me! Plus Avdi feeds me very well, so I can’t complain.
The first full moon of the year was the Wolf Moon. Though it turns out wolves don’t howl at the moon. Just humans or wolf-like humanoids.
The strange unidentified object is a candle I made.