When Life Gives You Crap, Make Crêpes

Yesterday was like a bad jinxed day for Avdi and everyone, the kind you want to delete and start over, a not-funny comedy of errors.  Actually his whole week was less than productive, owing to kid chaos and distractions.  They get lazy and expect him to accommodate them as a fallback, and he needs to stand up to them so they’ll take more responsibility for their actions, so he can get work done.

Not all was a loss, though.  I think Y and I had a breakthrough yesterday evening.  We ended up sitting on the kitchen floor with them sharing some very personal, private stuff from their journal and life that they would only share with a friend they trust (their words).  I used to keep private journals from a young age, and I know how significant it is to read it to or even show it to anyone, let alone a grandparent.  They even asked my advice about organizing it onto their laptop.  A big step for them and us.

When Avdi returned from shuttling the latest batch of kids around, he had to get back to work, so Y and I collaborated on dinner–they made their excellent crêpes, and I made a savory potato filling for them.  They also made sweet ones.  Everyone liked them, and we were able to work together in the kitchen.


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