Yesterday on the way back from Savers, E asked A, how can you not want to stay informed about the latest developments [trump inauguration horror]?
The answer is the same for many of us right now–because we stay informed, we’re avoiding the whole depraved shitshow as much as possible, because we know the depressing coming agenda. It’s like a brutal atrocity you want to tear your eyes away from before you get sucked in. There will be plenty of times and opportunities in the next four years to stand up for justice and rights for marginalized groups, which under trump’s dictatorship means practically everyone.
We Jews especially of all people should know what mass deportations, persecution, and criminals in power mean, although some of “us” want to stay in our insulated xenophobic denial, until they come for us. Like it’s not genocide or a holocaust unless it’s directed at us. (See: most of the world during Hitler’s rise to power.) I hope I and all reasonable people will risk taking a stand and providing sanctuary as the needs arise.
“Never again” is happening now. We have a chance to be on the correct side of history and get it right this time.
So, in saner news, here is the beautiful aquarium E got at Savers and set up himself. (It’s too f—ing frigid out to even think about gardening right now, but I assure you I’ll be back with more hopeful natural world news soon.)