Once again I walked over to Avdi’s to spend the night so he could get a break. He clearly needed one, and continues to. He goes out of his way to help the kids get where they need to go, or indulge their whims, mostly I think because he’s too worn out to argue or decline. So his work suffers and he gets run down. Then they still complain everything is no fair. They have no idea how much unfairer things are going to get under this nazi regime.
I realize they’re teens with issues and lack of room for privacy, who are still learning what empathy means. They can’t comprehend how fortunate they are, considering the circumstances. But I feel bad for Avdi, who’s under fire day and night, with little escape. I at least get to “go home”. For the time being!
My latest evil plan was to sneak plants upstairs to wherever I could find a viable spot. It’s not a houseplant kind of home, but I’m determined to inject a little life into rooms (and maintain them myself, since no one else will). They may not even notice! I also needed to make room downstairs, if I’m ever going to germinate veg seedlings.
Avdi, E, and I stopped at the Tropical Pets store to look at little fish for E’s aquarium. I took these photos while waiting.