Our Lights Outclass their Dark

Not to get too ahead of myself, I got to go to Global Foods with A, Allie, K, and S, always a delight.  I stocked up on ingredients for trail mix to snack on, and incense.  Then we adjourned to Kaldi’s Coffee Café for hot drinks.  Finally, we lit the Seventh night candles together, and started setting up for the NYE party.  Avdi mixed some cocktails for us.

Just speaking for myself here, that was the most excellent NYE party in my experience.  Each friend there was totally unique and freethinking, yet it was a perfect mix.  There were old and new friends there, gaming, talking, trying new drinks and foods, or feeling comfortable retreating whenever necessary.  The variety of refreshments, food and otherwise, was incredible, much of it exquisitely created by E.  The atmosphere was warm and inclusive.  S and Billie the dog were in their element–people!!  

I really enjoyed hanging out with Akasha and Gabi and whoever else joined the conversation, and sampling their unusual collection of drinks.  I lost count of all the drinks I tried, but I don’t think I ever got drunk, because of the good company.  We did our countdown and toast and hugs to the new year, and didn’t even need any silly ball going down!  I helped clean up, and then Gabi and Akasha drove me home.

I know at times Avdi was a little overwhelmed with sensory/etc. overload, but he is to be commended for putting together, hosting, and managing a gathering that was both classy and cozy, festive and casual.  Everyone there had understandable dread of the coming year, but knew they were among like-minded friends and allies in a safe space.  We’ll help each other survive and get through it.