Nature Itself

And…home again for the second (?) erev in a row, or is it third?  I’m losing track.  Maybe it’s sympathetic sickness with Avdi, who’s still down.  This is def getting old, so I intend to snap out of it soon.  I have to, I’m missing all the false spring.

One of the hazards of being home with my thoughts is letting myself read the terrifying news.  I like to be prepared and forewarned, but this is beyond tolerable–it’s sickening.  There’s not a strong enough word for the derangement and depravity being foisted on us.  Does it take literally millions of people being ruined and destroyed worldwide to wake us up to fight this abomination?

I feel in my gut that there will come a point beyond which nature itself will take matters into its own “hands” (thorns, spikes, talons, claws…) because it’s too much to tolerate or wait for broken humans to fix.  If we can’t manage our own species properly, there will be consequences, sooner rather than later.  If we can’t maintain checks and balances on ourselves and execute justice, heaven and earth will have to take over.  The balance of nature demands retribution and restoration, whatever it takes.

There is a tipping point.  It will come.  I’m not going to let a little cancer or covid or despair or whatnot keep me from witnessing signs of the turning point, and trying somehow to be a part of the solution, even minutely.  So there.

My head just isn’t right at the moment, thus the rant.  I promise I’ll return to boring mundane stuff soon!   Even my plants know to survive and rise up, despite me.




Staying Vertical

Now my son is really sick.  I know because I observed him actually in bed today when I walked over.  It takes a lot to persuade him he’s too sick to work or stay vertical.

Yet he had still made an effort to prep and start dinner in the robo-thingie for the kids.  Hopefully each of them will heed my friendly texts about finding alternate ways home today if at all possible.  Sometimes (IMHO) I think he indulges and enables their demands and whims to the point it literally wears him down and compromises his immune system.  They can be so needy and unempathetic.  I.e. kids.

So of course our evil rulers want to make sure the country doesn’t get the latest vaccines it will need in a time-sensitive manner to keep deadly viruses under control.  I suppose mass euthanasia will be next.

I’m still feeling not great, so I’m continuing to take precautions and keep over-exertion to a minimum.  Somebody’s got to stay functional!

(Photo–diagram of a feverish brain.)




Days With Frump and Tusk

They let me out on parole!  The kids were able to go back to school today, so I walked over in the springlike air and made abbreviated rounds (with COVID precautions), mostly doing plant first aid.  I cleaned things up a little, did some laundry, and left a care package for A, who has some symptoms himself.  Then I walked back home.  I’m still not feeling all there myself, but it was a relief to just get out and check in.  This quarantining gets old.  I’m just not right in the head.

My new food pantry deliverer of basic essentials isn’t big on fresh produce or fresh anything really; however, they did bring me a whole apple pie!  (“Let them eat pie!”)  So I was able to share some with Avdi.  Such luxury.

Remember that whole ordeal trying to qualify for Medicaid and SNAP, etc in MO, where they disqualified me for a dumb technicality?  At that time I had a feeling Medicaid might be in for further defunding or slashing down the road, considering the way things were going in MO and elsewhere, and then I’d be screwed.  Fast forward to now, and lo and behold, I dodged that bullet.  Of course Medicare and Social Security are being threatened as well, so none of us are safe or immune.  It just seems ironic somehow.

Call me Aquarian, but I also have a premonition that “frump and tusk” and friends (my own private epithet, as in, “Days with Frump and Tusk”) are already in the process of self-destructing and imploding.  The signs are right there, as it slowly dawns on obtuse, cowardly Repubs that this is actually happening.  Frump thinks he can rewrite the Constitution itself to allow him a third reign as dictator (!), and just sidestep or eliminate the other branches of government if they don’t comply.  He’s delusional and insane.  “Trump Gaza”, for real ?!  Mentally deranged.  Damage is already being done to Repub constituents, imagine the shock and dismay.  More fed agencies and depts. are refusing to just go along and knuckle under, not to mention former world allies.  The very definition of a US democracy and world leader is disintegrating.  Something has to give way.

Just thinking out loud…I try to avoid it mostly, but some of it is hard to contain!  I just want to say to Canada, Mexico, Europe, any sane civilizations left out there, please don’t judge us regular US people by our lunatics-in-chief and their braindead drones.  We’re as disgusted as you are, probably more.  In case of WWIII, could we just slip on over, try again to be allies on the right side of history?  We have minimal experience, but are quick learners, eh?

Here are my green babies, surviving their quarantine.


Weekend Covid Update

I spoke too soon.  Now most of the gkids have Covid.  Avdi thinks it’s better for me not to risk being there tomorrow.  I’ve taken two tests (old so possibly not accurate) a day apart which read negative, so still not conclusive.  So I guess I’ll continue to quarantine anyway, and hope everyone comes out of this alright.  Here’s a cheery photo I borrowed.

Sad and Surreal, with Sun Possible

Not to let a little sick spell stop me, I thought I’d just check in on the real world.  I don’t appear to have covid, though at least one gkid does.  It’s such a routine, ubiquitous virus now, you don’t really think about it much until it makes its rounds.

Under our new tyrants, who are decimating all agencies and services that help keep us alive and well, it’s already starting to look medieval across the country.  But I know (or have to believe) that many more people will fight back, once it hits home how personal and dangerous this is for all of us.

It can’t have been a whole week since I was at The Avdi’s, though it feels like it, what with all the being sick and isolated.  I feel like such a truant.  I have to depend on others to keep my green babies alive!  Not to mention Avdi has been stuck at home with all the kids and few to no “grownups” or respite, due to the “holiday” extended by more weather closings.  (They’ll probably have to change “Presidents Day” to “Dictators Day”.)

The frigid sub-zero temps have conceded to warmer ones for now, no doubt just a teaser, but I can feel it calling unto me!  I’m going to attempt a brief breakout maybe tomorrow (to check on the seedlings and get some rare fresh air).  I’m quite good at seclusion, but I can see how it gets sad and surreal after a while.  Isolation can take many forms, such as being alone surrounded by self-centered juveniles, or relegated to a facility to die among strangers.  I feel so fortunate to have a retreat, but with access to family and friends (and plants and wildlife, in my case).  Humans need both for sanity.

I’m starting to ramble, so bye for now.





A Greenhouse Under the Snow

I got to see my green babies yesterday, as well as the others who were still home from school for the latest “winter storm”.  This snow is drier but already causing highway crashes.  I’m waiting to see if our district called it again.  Avdi is not amused.  Still, it is very shimmery and sparkly out.

The green globe artichokes, my latest experiment down below, were starting to come up, along with some others.  I watered everyone in, then covered the couple of seeded flats for greenhouse effect.  The miscellaneous other plants are getting big.

In deepest, darkest, coldest winter, the first glimpses of our spring garden to come is what keeps me going.  While the whole government as we knew it gets systematically dismantled and destroyed by fascist lunatics, you have to hold onto the simple, vital aspects of life that give you hope or at least gratification, anything these fools haven’t hijacked yet.



Praxigatrix Cascade

Being from the Land of Blizzards, I find it amusing to watch the schools and everything shut down for slightly more snow and ice and cold.  BUT—this is not amusing for people who have to work from home with little mobsters milling around creating chaos and meltdowns.  And I’m no help, being so prone to freezing to death or breakage.  I mean, it’s really cold out there.  I could use Bobbie Draper’s badass power armor right about now.

Thankfully, Avdi is doing seedling duty while I’m not there, so we don’t lose the work I did.  I’m a greenmother as well as grandmother.  Call it germination shock.  I’m very protective.

Meanwhile, I’m good at amusing myself at home,  I figured out how to pair all my devices with my new bluetooth speaker from Avdi, so music and movie sound quality is now much improved.  The only downside is, I’m regaining all the weight I lost, eating and not exercising.  Winter can go f–k itself.  The same can be said for fascist führers.  I live for spring.


To whomever may still follow my humble blahg, not even a substack, I just want to say this:

For what it’s worth, this is my imperfect way of demonstrating that life goes on, however mundane, even while having your whole democracy annihilated around you by depraved maniacal idiots.  Except for some of us, whose lives no longer go on as usual.

Silence is complicity.  But some silence is necessary for protection of endangered loved ones and community.  I’m not sure how you find the balance, so I’m staying somewhat under the radar, preaching to the choir.  I don’t have the means or capacity to do much about it, anyway, so this is what I do for now:

I germinate and propagate (Prax-like) little beings to beautify and feed our lives.  I call my prop lab Praxigatrix Cascade.

I try to be here for my kid, grandkids, and the beautiful people I meet through them.

I (reluctantly but gratefully) try new forms of escaping outside myself into joyful inclusive gatherings.

And…I write down my unsophisticated but honest thoughts, in case anyone out there can relate and take something helpful from it.

I hope there is a positive cascade effect, even if it’s just to help keep us alive to rebuild.

(Can you tell I’m an Expanse devotee?)


Rave Review

That was the best birthday yet!  Avdi, Stacey, Jess, and the kids gave me a mountain of fabulous gifts and a tiramisu cake.  That was only the beginning.

Much later in the evening, Avdi, Joyce, and I went to my first rave ever.  It was mind bending!  I loved it.  Everyone was so chill and friendly.  The original music and light shows were mesmerizing.  The whole atmosphere was trippy in a very comfortable way.  People went out of their way to make my birthday (“3 years old”) special.  Total strangers talked to each other.  It felt like my fantasy dream world, familiar yet otherworldly, as in not of this current US nightmare.

I could totally get why people of all ages go to raves, to feel safe and inclusive and very euphoric.  Just the contact high (with a little supplemental help) was enough.  It was a very secure environment.  I was almost disappointed when Avdi said it was time to leave (in the wee hours).  I slept it off and didn’t even have a hangover.  I’m glad I was brave and took a chance, thanks to Avdi and Joyce.  This is one way people can get through the next four years.



2025 BD Edition

HB to me!  Don’t ask how old, I can’t count that high.  So naturally I’ve been talked into going to my first rave, as one does.  Not an afternoon family rave, either, the late night grownup kind.  Because you’re never too old to go stark raving mad.  Ahaha.

The kids have a long holiday weekend, so their Mom was able to come spend it with them.  I made challah and she made a great dinner.  We all hung out and caught up and talked about how recent events will be affecting all of our lives and decisions.

Meanwhile, down in the lab, I continue to sow seeds, some of which are already starting to germinate.  It’s a weird mix of veggies and perennial flowers that need to be started early.  We even had a visit from one of K’s robots that competes in big robotic events at various schools.

Here are random whimsical festive photos.  See’s courtesy of The Bobs.



Oh Canada Eh?

It’s pretty bad in the world when friends with covid or norovirus are saying at least the misery distracts them from the worse sickness of the state of US politics.  That’s desperate.  Come to think of it, I seem to have a stomach virus.

All kinds of freezing stuff is coming down today, which means the kids are home to distract Avdi from his work, and so far I’m staying home making the most of it by feeling sickish.  The kids are there to theoretically clean up the disarray they will inevitably create.

My previous food supplier disqualified me because I have the wrong kind of cancer (untreatable!), so I found a local food pantry that qualified me and delivers free via DoorDash.  They offer a slightly different variety of basic staples, but at least I won’t have to contend with rising food prices and fees, for now.

Did you know that some cities in British Columbia only get down in the 30s in winter and up to 80s (sometimes 90s, but dry) in summer?  I do now!  I’m not sure why Canada would welcome us right now, but apparently refugees from US persecution are a lot more welcome than Mexicans/ Latinos are to the US.  Go figure.  Just some trivia, apropos of nothing, on a cold day in the US Reich…