
I’m trying to find that balance between going on public record about where I stand (no doubt I’m already on some bad lists), and prioritizing the safety and security of the people I love and care about by keeping my mouth shut.

I’m not going out marching in questionable protests and rallies, and I’m cutting down on signing frantic petitions and letters that don’t get read but get you added to lists, for the above reason.  I’m not sure you can avoid being targeted anyway, since no one is safe now.  It’s right in our faces and outside the door.  And in the schools.

So for me the best approach is to be part of the firewall standing between depraved fascist terrorists and my family and other threatened marginalized friends and community, as much as I’m able.  I refuse to be complicit in ethnic cleansing, genocide, and crimes against humanity.  If that happens to put me on the endangered list, good.  Though I hope to live to witness the utter destruction and humiliation of these criminals, if not how we rebuild afterwards.

Now back to things that are still “normal” for now.



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