It’s pretty bad in the world when friends with covid or norovirus are saying at least the misery distracts them from the worse sickness of the state of US politics. That’s desperate. Come to think of it, I seem to have a stomach virus.
All kinds of freezing stuff is coming down today, which means the kids are home to distract Avdi from his work, and so far I’m staying home making the most of it by feeling sickish. The kids are there to theoretically clean up the disarray they will inevitably create.
My previous food supplier disqualified me because I have the wrong kind of cancer (untreatable!), so I found a local food pantry that qualified me and delivers free via DoorDash. They offer a slightly different variety of basic staples, but at least I won’t have to contend with rising food prices and fees, for now.
Did you know that some cities in British Columbia only get down in the 30s in winter and up to 80s (sometimes 90s, but dry) in summer? I do now! I’m not sure why Canada would welcome us right now, but apparently refugees from US persecution are a lot more welcome than Mexicans/ Latinos are to the US. Go figure. Just some trivia, apropos of nothing, on a cold day in the US Reich…