2025 BD Edition

HB to me!  Don’t ask how old, I can’t count that high.  So naturally I’ve been talked into going to my first rave, as one does.  Not an afternoon family rave, either, the late night grownup kind.  Because you’re never too old to go stark raving mad.  Ahaha.

The kids have a long holiday weekend, so their Mom was able to come spend it with them.  I made challah and she made a great dinner.  We all hung out and caught up and talked about how recent events will be affecting all of our lives and decisions.

Meanwhile, down in the lab, I continue to sow seeds, some of which are already starting to germinate.  It’s a weird mix of veggies and perennial flowers that need to be started early.  We even had a visit from one of K’s robots that competes in big robotic events at various schools.

Here are random whimsical festive photos.  See’s courtesy of The Bobs.



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