Being from the Land of Blizzards, I find it amusing to watch the schools and everything shut down for slightly more snow and ice and cold. BUT—this is not amusing for people who have to work from home with little mobsters milling around creating chaos and meltdowns. And I’m no help, being so prone to freezing to death or breakage. I mean, it’s really cold out there. I could use Bobbie Draper’s badass power armor right about now.
Thankfully, Avdi is doing seedling duty while I’m not there, so we don’t lose the work I did. I’m a greenmother as well as grandmother. Call it germination shock. I’m very protective.
Meanwhile, I’m good at amusing myself at home, I figured out how to pair all my devices with my new bluetooth speaker from Avdi, so music and movie sound quality is now much improved. The only downside is, I’m regaining all the weight I lost, eating and not exercising. Winter can go f–k itself. The same can be said for fascist führers. I live for spring.
To whomever may still follow my humble blahg, not even a substack, I just want to say this:
For what it’s worth, this is my imperfect way of demonstrating that life goes on, however mundane, even while having your whole democracy annihilated around you by depraved maniacal idiots. Except for some of us, whose lives no longer go on as usual.
Silence is complicity. But some silence is necessary for protection of endangered loved ones and community. I’m not sure how you find the balance, so I’m staying somewhat under the radar, preaching to the choir. I don’t have the means or capacity to do much about it, anyway, so this is what I do for now:
I germinate and propagate (Prax-like) little beings to beautify and feed our lives. I call my prop lab Praxigatrix Cascade.
I try to be here for my kid, grandkids, and the beautiful people I meet through them.
I (reluctantly but gratefully) try new forms of escaping outside myself into joyful inclusive gatherings.
And…I write down my unsophisticated but honest thoughts, in case anyone out there can relate and take something helpful from it.
I hope there is a positive cascade effect, even if it’s just to help keep us alive to rebuild.
(Can you tell I’m an Expanse devotee?)