Not to let a little sick spell stop me, I thought I’d just check in on the real world. I don’t appear to have covid, though at least one gkid does. It’s such a routine, ubiquitous virus now, you don’t really think about it much until it makes its rounds.
Under our new tyrants, who are decimating all agencies and services that help keep us alive and well, it’s already starting to look medieval across the country. But I know (or have to believe) that many more people will fight back, once it hits home how personal and dangerous this is for all of us.
It can’t have been a whole week since I was at The Avdi’s, though it feels like it, what with all the being sick and isolated. I feel like such a truant. I have to depend on others to keep my green babies alive! Not to mention Avdi has been stuck at home with all the kids and few to no “grownups” or respite, due to the “holiday” extended by more weather closings. (They’ll probably have to change “Presidents Day” to “Dictators Day”.)
The frigid sub-zero temps have conceded to warmer ones for now, no doubt just a teaser, but I can feel it calling unto me! I’m going to attempt a brief breakout maybe tomorrow (to check on the seedlings and get some rare fresh air). I’m quite good at seclusion, but I can see how it gets sad and surreal after a while. Isolation can take many forms, such as being alone surrounded by self-centered juveniles, or relegated to a facility to die among strangers. I feel so fortunate to have a retreat, but with access to family and friends (and plants and wildlife, in my case). Humans need both for sanity.
I’m starting to ramble, so bye for now.