They let me out on parole! The kids were able to go back to school today, so I walked over in the springlike air and made abbreviated rounds (with COVID precautions), mostly doing plant first aid. I cleaned things up a little, did some laundry, and left a care package for A, who has some symptoms himself. Then I walked back home. I’m still not feeling all there myself, but it was a relief to just get out and check in. This quarantining gets old. I’m just not right in the head.
My new food pantry deliverer of basic essentials isn’t big on fresh produce or fresh anything really; however, they did bring me a whole apple pie! (“Let them eat pie!”) So I was able to share some with Avdi. Such luxury.
Remember that whole ordeal trying to qualify for Medicaid and SNAP, etc in MO, where they disqualified me for a dumb technicality? At that time I had a feeling Medicaid might be in for further defunding or slashing down the road, considering the way things were going in MO and elsewhere, and then I’d be screwed. Fast forward to now, and lo and behold, I dodged that bullet. Of course Medicare and Social Security are being threatened as well, so none of us are safe or immune. It just seems ironic somehow.
Call me Aquarian, but I also have a premonition that “frump and tusk” and friends (my own private epithet, as in, “Days with Frump and Tusk”) are already in the process of self-destructing and imploding. The signs are right there, as it slowly dawns on obtuse, cowardly Repubs that this is actually happening. Frump thinks he can rewrite the Constitution itself to allow him a third reign as dictator (!), and just sidestep or eliminate the other branches of government if they don’t comply. He’s delusional and insane. “Trump Gaza”, for real ?! Mentally deranged. Damage is already being done to Repub constituents, imagine the shock and dismay. More fed agencies and depts. are refusing to just go along and knuckle under, not to mention former world allies. The very definition of a US democracy and world leader is disintegrating. Something has to give way.
Just thinking out loud…I try to avoid it mostly, but some of it is hard to contain! I just want to say to Canada, Mexico, Europe, any sane civilizations left out there, please don’t judge us regular US people by our lunatics-in-chief and their braindead drones. We’re as disgusted as you are, probably more. In case of WWIII, could we just slip on over, try again to be allies on the right side of history? We have minimal experience, but are quick learners, eh?
Here are my green babies, surviving their quarantine.