Staying Vertical

Now my son is really sick.  I know because I observed him actually in bed today when I walked over.  It takes a lot to persuade him he’s too sick to work or stay vertical.

Yet he had still made an effort to prep and start dinner in the robo-thingie for the kids.  Hopefully each of them will heed my friendly texts about finding alternate ways home today if at all possible.  Sometimes (IMHO) I think he indulges and enables their demands and whims to the point it literally wears him down and compromises his immune system.  They can be so needy and unempathetic.  I.e. kids.

So of course our evil rulers want to make sure the country doesn’t get the latest vaccines it will need in a time-sensitive manner to keep deadly viruses under control.  I suppose mass euthanasia will be next.

I’m still feeling not great, so I’m continuing to take precautions and keep over-exertion to a minimum.  Somebody’s got to stay functional!

(Photo–diagram of a feverish brain.)




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