Nature Itself

And…home again for the second (?) erev in a row, or is it third?  I’m losing track.  Maybe it’s sympathetic sickness with Avdi, who’s still down.  This is def getting old, so I intend to snap out of it soon.  I have to, I’m missing all the false spring.

One of the hazards of being home with my thoughts is letting myself read the terrifying news.  I like to be prepared and forewarned, but this is beyond tolerable–it’s sickening.  There’s not a strong enough word for the derangement and depravity being foisted on us.  Does it take literally millions of people being ruined and destroyed worldwide to wake us up to fight this abomination?

I feel in my gut that there will come a point beyond which nature itself will take matters into its own “hands” (thorns, spikes, talons, claws…) because it’s too much to tolerate or wait for broken humans to fix.  If we can’t manage our own species properly, there will be consequences, sooner rather than later.  If we can’t maintain checks and balances on ourselves and execute justice, heaven and earth will have to take over.  The balance of nature demands retribution and restoration, whatever it takes.

There is a tipping point.  It will come.  I’m not going to let a little cancer or covid or despair or whatnot keep me from witnessing signs of the turning point, and trying somehow to be a part of the solution, even minutely.  So there.

My head just isn’t right at the moment, thus the rant.  I promise I’ll return to boring mundane stuff soon!   Even my plants know to survive and rise up, despite me.




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