Escapee on the Loose

I busted out of my cell yesterday, walked to and from, and did my rounds.  I finished seeding the second flat with assorted peppers.  Lots of seedlings starting to come up!  Did some laundry and house straightening, and then it was so warm out I did some more veg garden cleanup in essentially a t-shirt.  It’s almost time to till the garden and plant peas and some cold-weather greens!  It won’t be long until the masses of spring bulb flowers are blooming.  This is more like it.  I felt much better just getting fresh air and exercise.

So of course today and tomorrow’s forecast is reverting back to winter conditions–extreme wind, rain, and snow.  I won’t be able to walk there and back, but that’s to be expected around here.  In a couple of days it’s going to be warm again!  It’s March, so as far as I’m concerned, it’s spring.  Plus, Avdi is still testing positive, though feeling better, so it’s just as well we quarantine.  I’m just glad he’s recovering and back to work.  Soon they won’t be able to get rid of me.

Just to review for the record: so far I’ve started eggplants, globe artichoke, Roman and German chamomile, more asparagus, celery, evening primrose, St. John’s wort, CalWon red bells, ancho/poblano, jalapeño, orange/yellow bells, and cayenne, and soon vera lavender (stratified).  My prop experiments are strawberries, lettuce, carrots, celery, scallions, garlic, assorted basils, lemon/lime, avocado, Asian ginger, and other tropicals.  At my home prop station I’m growing assorted basils, arugula, lettuce mix, English lavender, parsley, mint, and an assorted tropical jungle.  Most of this will rotate over to A’s yard when it’s time.

See, not a word about the catastrophic political crisis.  I can compartmentalize.  I am the Propagatrix.


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