Back to “Normal” Shabbat!

Finally!  Our first real Shabbat together since the plague was like a reunion with my gkids!  I baked challah, made dinner, cleaned up, met S at the bus, hung out with Y for a long time, talked to E and K, and stayed for a very happy erev meal with everyone there.  Jess joined us.

Poor Avdi was still feeling sickly and sapped, but pushing through  Everyone helped with cleanup, and then I spent time with S until Avdi was able to take me home.  I think the forced quarantine brought us all closer together, and the reunion was restorative.

E liked the idea of tilling the veg garden (and being paid well!), so that may be happening this weekend.  The temps are back to springlike, and the high winds are drying the mud.  I started the job of throwing leaves into the garden to be tilled under along with the winter greens.  I feel optimistic about the soil quality this year.

Even the kids are stressed about the current political fiasco, and worried about how it will affect them.  Kids are the ones who will suffer most if the criminals-in-chief have their way.  It’s a topic that keeps coming up, even though we all want to avoid the anxiety, on top of all the other stressors in their lives.  This is a time when kids need their extended family to be there and united to face the coming threats to their survival and wellbeing.

It seems ironic that POC have been enduring this nightmare for hundreds of years, so it’s no surprise, while some white descendants of colonialist racists are just now waking up to the consequences of their toxic systemic ravaging of our society.  The black writers I follow are like, Y’all white degenerates brought this on your ignorant selves, but we all have to pay the price.  Like typical narcissistic psychopaths, whites try to twist reality around to blame Blacks and informed people, when they’re the ones decimating democracy, and turning our world allies against us.  You know when easygoing Canada censures us, it’s getting real.

Maybe when it gets to the point where all our ex-allies declare war on Nazi America (déjà vu all over again!), it will dawn on them, too late.  By then, most of us may have been deported or escaped to elsewhere, where we’ll find ourselves fighting on the anti-US side.  That would be ironic and sad.

Hopefully it won’t come to that.  The mutiny is already rising.  I wish I could stick around for the finale!





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