Homey Stuff

It’s been a full couple of days.  On the way to A’s yesterday I stopped at the tropical pet store and picked up E’s ember tetras, plants, and food for his aquarium (and part of his pay for tilling).  E and Y and I spent some time just mesmerized by fish.  They have names: Barry, Garry, Harry, and Larry (though at least some of them are females)!  For me it’s way more fascinating and relaxing to watch the aquarium than streaming stuff.

Y told me they were glad I was back “home”; they miss me when I’m gone.  That really says it all.

The kids had worked on dumping piles of leaves on the veg garden, to be tilled in later.  Better late than never.  Out in the front yard, yellow and purple crocuses were blooming.  It was springlike, and getting warmer.

A and S and I went to the science museum (my first time).  It’s an excellent museum, with an Imax, constantly changing displays, a makerspace, and lots of educational fun activities for kids.  The Dinosaur moves and roars.  The Tardis is an actual one that was used on a Doctor Who set.  They had all the sonic screwdrivers from the beginning.  A large room is devoted to agriculture, soils of each state (notice what NJ’s is called!), and aquaponics.  There’s an outdoor area with chickens and large interactive agricultural machinery.  We had a lot of fun.

I stayed overnight while Avdi got to go out, by way of urgent care to get a deep knife wound stitched up.  Never a dull moment (except for the knife)!  I didn’t sleep much.  K and I eventually made it to the table, where we talked about electronic “doohickies” like garden instruments he can assemble for testing soil, water, etc.  He really is skillful at tech stuff and robotics.

Today E tilled the veg garden, which is now nice and leaf composty.  I’ll let it sit and settle, then start to direct-sow.  Meanwhile, I planted the lavender vera seeds I had been stratifying in the frig., which started the third flat.  Avdi worked on writing his latest book outside, where it was warm and sunny.  I hung around, playing with S and so on, until dinner, a gorgeous charcuterie board by E, then got a ride home.

I’m so relieved it’s spring as far as I’m concerned.  I’m back in my natural habitat.





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