Daffodils were starting to bloom yesterday in the warm air! I planted four rows of various lettuces, one of mixed kale, and one of pak choi. Then in my underground lab I started assorted cucumbers. It seems we have a couple of kids that will gladly devour a whole cucumber for a snack, skin and all! This year I’m eliminating labor intensive space-hoggers that are cheaper from the store (at least they were), and prioritizing crops that everyone will actually eat. After that, it’s all flowers! E has already started some of his own, and Y has lots of requests.
Avdi’s been having particularly difficult days trying to work and deal with kids while still recovering. The upside is, he gives me more assignments, which I like. Yesterday’s were: clean up and reorganize the large first aid/medical area downstairs, and make dinner. S was once again fussing about doing his chores, but this time I refused to help him with one he can do by himself. I have enough of my own!
Purim is almost here, so today E will probably make hamantaschen when he gets home. There are two young bakers in the family, so I’m able to pass along the job of making traditional recipes to them. In the case of Y, it’s one sneaky way of helping them to appreciate their Jewish culture and DNA.