This was a huge wide storm moving very fast across the state and St. Louis area tonight, then crossing the river into IL, with many actual tornadoes on the ground, large hail, continuous t-storms, heavy rain, and very high wind speeds.
I hunkered down near my apt door watching the weather reporting on my phone. At some points the hail crashing against the windows, the thunder and wind, and the tornado sirens constantly wailing were so loud I couldn’t hear, but I could see the rainbow of severe conditions and tornadic touchdowns speeding across the screen.
As the storm moved east away from us, then the fire and emergency vehicle sirens started up. And, some more tornado sirens, just for good measure!
Meanwhile, Avdi was down the basement with the kids, reading stories. Above ground it will be a lake, with big hail balls.
This is how they welcome spring in MO, I guess. I’ll never get used to this. But, we seem to have survived once again. Tomorrow it will be a “normal day”, except with a lot of debris and flooding.