In an ironic change of pace, the kids put pressure on me to stop doing their chores for them! Not that they abnormally like chores, but I had been inadvertently doing their assigned daily tasks without thinking, as usual. And they were getting in the habit of assuming I’d done them. It’s hard to relinquish a habit! Whatever will I do with myself?!
Obviously conceding and handing over the chores was the thing to do, so I tried it, with mixed results. S was actually intent on completing his assignments, with minimal help. In some cases, after realizing I hadn’t done their chores as usual, they reluctantly complied, or at least took note of the shift. Or they simply weren’t there at the time, and I went ahead with their “permission”.
The point is, with some prodding, they are mostly willing to fulfill their obligations if I let go and let them. You’d think it’s a no-brainer! I had come to think of household tasks as “my job”, whereas my job is to let the kids learn to take responsibility. Let’s just say it’s a work in progress, especially for me. There is always more work for me to do, as long as I’m able, so I don’t feel useless, especially as spring approaches.
Maybe I was conditioned by my upbringing, in which my mother automatically did most of the household management and chores, so that I never learned to do basic life tasks or be entrusted with responsibility. My role was to obey my parents without question and not take initiative or get in the way. It took me a long time to grow up and take responsibility for myself and others. Now it’s as if I’m following in her footsteps, making up for lost time, when what I need to do is support Avdi in allowing the kids to learn life skills and grow up.
Sometimes I think I’m the one still learning to grow up and be an adult, not a scared shadow, even at this late date. Life’s full of twists, eh?