I hate to see what healthcare in this country will look like under trump & co., because it already thoroughly sucks.
Between being hit with thousands of dollars out-of-pocket because, unknown to you, the actual doctor in an in-network practice isn’t in-network, or your insurance company refusing to respond to or cover claims from your doctor/practice that are supposed to be covered, they’re killing us families. We’re somehow supposed to become experts at navigating this complex scam of a system before we can get emergency treatment for our kids or self, because the system itself can’t even figure itself out, or is just out for the profits at our expense.
I’m still paying for medical services from a year ago under different insurance (Anthem), because the provider still can’t get the insurance company to pay their share. I’m supposed to rattle the latter’s cage myself to try and get a reaction. I’m already repaying my son thousands for a dentist that he helped me out with when my insurance crapped out. And my son has been totally screwed over for getting supposedly covered help for his ideating kid, on top of all the other expenses and worries he’s saddled with.
There’s no way ordinary people can ever catch up, let alone get ahead. Healthcare should be a human right, not a luxury for the rich. I know, just stating what’s obvious to us and most civilized countries, but for Repubs, healthcare is to make them profits, not for actually keeping people alive and well. Pro-life means pro-death.
I try to keep rants down, but sometimes one slips through.
Shabbat went…hectically. Half the family was off taking part in a school drama production. I made challah and a meatloaf, etc. and fed whoever happened to be home! There was plenty else for me to do all day. It was actually springlike out, finally starting to melt the feet of icy snow piles before the next polar vortex arrives this week. Strange to think of the raging fires and devastation in CA at the same time. Climate change will also get a big boost from greedy trumpers.
Oh, and now S’s special needs school wants to send him back to the regular elementary, since he’s “doing so well” in a special needs environment. Back to the school he couldn’t handle and kept eloping from and getting chased down by cops and school personnel! Like we didn’t have enough to worry about.
OK, I’m done for now. Just gotta live through the next four years (and all the damage it will leave in its wake).